* 週年紀念/生日
* 喜劇
* 黑色喜劇
* 偵探 /警匪片
* 幻想片
* 女性電影(見下文)
* 恐怖片
* 偽紀錄片
* 歌舞片或西部片
* 歷史劇
* 浪漫片
* 科幻片
* 超級英雄電影
* 驚悚 /懸疑片
女性電影 (Film de Femme)
從沒聽說過女性電影嗎?因為這是我們發明的名詞!此一風格是48HFP專為鼓勵參賽者在48HFP電影中拍攝堅強的女性角色而設計。女性電影是指以一位或多位堅強女性人物為題材所拍攝的電影。此一體裁的風格包括浪漫喜劇或「愛情文藝片」,但這只是其中的一個子集。什麼是堅強的女性角色呢?想想《鴻孕當頭》(Juno) 這部電影的女主角艾倫佩姬 (Ellen Page)、《揮灑烈愛》(Frida)中的莎瑪海耶克(Salma Hayek)、《風流教師霹靂妹》(Election)中的瑞絲·薇斯朋(Reese Witherspoon),或《永不妥協》(Erin Brockovich)中的茱莉亞蘿勃茲 (Julia Roberts)。片中的主角既堅強、聰明又性格複雜。與一般大眾看法相反的是,強悍的女性角色並不需要殺人!
2. 2011年王牌風格類型
* 冒險片
* 成長片
* 劇情片
* 家庭片
* 搶劫片
* 默片(見 http://www.48hourfilm.com/silentfilm)
* 時空旅行電影
2011 Genres
We've changed up our genres again. Buddy Film, Drama, Film Noir, Road Movie, and Silent Film have been retired for the year. In their places we've brought back popular genres Dark Comedy, Detective/Cop, Period Piece, and Superhero. To celebrate our tenth birthday, we've created the new genre: Anniversary/Birthday. And last but but not least: Musical or Western!
At the kickoff, you will draw the random genre for your film. If you are not happy with your random choice, you can opt to draw from the 'wild card' genres. But, once you choose the wild card genre, you cannot change back to your original drawing!!!
Here is the complete list of genres:
* Anniversary/Birthday
* Comedy
* Dark Comedy
* Detective/Cop
* Fantasy
* Film de Femme (see below)
* Horror
* Mockumentary
* Musical or Western
* Period Piece
* Romance
* Sci Fi
* Superhero
* Thriller/Suspense
Film de Femme
Never heard of a Film de Femme? That's because we invented it! This genre is specifically designed by the 48HFP to encourage strong roles for females in 48HFP films. A Film de Femme is a film featuring one or more strong female characters. Romantic comedies or "chick flicks" are included in this genre, but are only a subset. What's a strong female character? Think Ellen Page in “Juno”, Salma Hayek in “Frida”, Reese Witherspoon in “Election”, or Julia Roberts in “Erin Brockovich”. The lead character is strong, smart and complicated. And contrary to public opinion, strong women characters are not required to kill someone!
2. 2011 Wild Card Genres
After genres have been selected, filmmakers will be given the option to trade in their genre for a Wild Card Genre. Once you switch, you can't switch back! Wild Card Genres will be randomly assigned to each city. See the list of possible Wild Card genres below.
* Adventure Serial
* Coming of Age
* Drama
* Family Film
* Heist
* Silent Film ( see http://www.48hourfilm.com/silentfilm )
* Time Travel Movie
* War or Anti-War Film
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