Sunday, June 24, 2012

2012年得獎作品!2012's Winners!

最佳48小時影片 Best Film: Team Mary滷雞翅製作團隊: "Presence"
最佳導演 Best Director: Team Mary滷雞翅製作團隊: "Presence"
最佳劇本Best Script: Team P.E.: "這不是燭光晚餐"
最佳攝影 Best Cinematography:  Team P.E."這不是燭光晚餐"
最佳剪輯 Best Editing: Team Mary滷雞翅製作團隊: "Presence"
最佳團隊表演 Best Ensemble Acting: Team青苦瓜: "人為刀俎"
最佳音樂 Best Music: Team夠硬電影"彗星少年"
最佳音效設計 Best Sound Design: Team青苦瓜:"人為刀俎"
最佳應用類型 Best Use of Genre: Team P.E.: "這不是燭光晚餐"
最佳應用腳色 Best Use of Character: Team 媽媽我愛你 "食愛"
最佳應用道具 Best Use of Prop: Team青苦瓜: "人為刀俎"
最佳應用對白 Best Use of Dialogue: (tie) Team 天橋下說書的"我都聽到囉" and Team奔賁藝集: "It's Not My Fault"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


頒獎時間:101.6.24 (日) 19:00-21:00PM
頒獎地點:水星酒館二樓 高雄市左營區立文路46號


1. Team 奔賁藝集/ "It's Not My Fault"
2. Team 青苦瓜/ "人為刀俎"
3. Team "媽媽我愛你"/ "食愛"
4. Team  P.E./ “這不是燭光晚餐
5. Team 夠硬電影/"彗星少年"
6. Team 天橋下說書的/"我都聽到囉"
7. Team Mary/"Presence"


2012 48HFP Awards Ceremony
Date: June 24, 2012, 7PM-9PM
Location: The  Mercury 2nd  Floor, 46 Li Wen Road, ZuoYing District, Kaohsiung

Congratulations these 7 teams who were chosen by  our judges as worthy  recipients 
of this  year's awards.

1. Team 奔賁藝集/ "It's Not My Fault"
2. Team 青苦瓜/ "人為刀俎"
3. Team "媽媽我愛你"/ "食愛"
4. Team  P.E./ “這不是燭光晚餐
5. Team 夠硬電影/"彗星少年"
6. Team 天橋下說書的/"我都聽到囉"
7. Team Mary/"Presence"

At the ceremony we will show all the above prize-winning films, and then hand  out the certificates and prizes for award winners.  We will also present 
the audience award winner certificates.