Friday, January 28, 2011

The 48HFP Intro 48小時電影比賽計劃介绍


In May 2001, Mark Ruppert came up with a crazy idea: to try to make a film in 48 hours. He quickly enlisted his filmmaking partner, Liz Langston, and several other DC filmmakers to form their own teams and join him in this experiment. The big question back then was: "Would films made in only 48 hours even be watchable?"

The answer was a resounding “yes”, and now ten years later and with more than 150 competitions having taken place around the world, it is amazing to consider the success of the Project. Over the years, the Project has expanded to China, Japan, Australia and Europe. 2011 marks the first time for Kaohsiung and Taiwan!


The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which you and a team make a movie—write, shoot, edit and score it—in just 48 hours.

On Friday night, you get a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, all to include in your movie. 48 hours later, the movie must be complete. Then it will show at a local theater, usually in the next week.

Our smallest team has consisted of one person who sets up the camera then runs in front to “act”. Our largest team to date was a team with 116 people and 30 horses! We've had about 12,500 teams in the Project over the years, and at 15 people per team, that translates to about 200,000 people who have participated in making a 48-hour movie.






我們的最小的團隊是一個人!他設好攝影機之後跑到攝影機前開始表演。我們的最大的隊迄今是與 116個人和30匹馬一隊!我們在48小時電影比賽活動多年來有大約 12,500隊,平均每隊 15個人。相當於參加了48小時電影比賽計劃的總共約20萬人!

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